Wabi-Sabi and the Imperfectly Perfect Lifestyle

First, what is Wabi-Sabi?

“Wabi-Sabi” is a Japanese term that means imperfect, impermanent, or incomplete. Wabi refers to living with simplicity while being at one with nature, and sabi is defined as the ability to accept the lifecycle of anything as it is. To live a wabi-sabi lifestyle, you recognize and embrace that imperfections are perfect.

Now this might seem overwhelming and hard to put into practice, but it’s not! And the results will leave you feeling more connected to your things, your space and most importantly, yourself.

We are here to help! Here are some helpful tips on ways to implement Wabi-Sabi into your life and home. 

Be Intentional

Rid your space of anything that doesn’t bring you joy and comfort. Really think about what makes you feel calm and present and not just what the latest home decor trend is. And don’t worry, you aren’t being wasteful – you can always sell and donate things to go to a better home.


Natural & Cozy Touches

Using natural fabrics and neutral colors will create both a functional and cozy aesthetic. Try a handwoven basket to hold magazines and a wicker basket to store blankets and throw pillows.


Use Nature

Bring plants into your space! Plants are believed to improve focus, decrease depressive moods and lessen symptoms of anxiety. You can use a large planter to showcase your plants or start small with a wall pocket to bring some greenery into your home.


Include Personal Touches

Your space should be a reflection of you – arts & crafts from the kids, a painting you did on a Girls Night Out, an old blanket that has memories from a different time in your life. Weaving these personal touches into your décor will make it uniquely you.  


Stimulate Your Senses

Lighting a rainbow arch candle or burn wand is sure to create a calm space. You can also incorporate materials like straw, fresh linens, and textured vases. Being aware of your senses within your style is just as important as the visual impact.


Gracefully Aging Items

Avoid the buy-use-repeat cycle that we all do because it’s easy. Invest in pieces that will have a longer lifespan. Repair broken items and use their imperfections as a reminder of a life well-lived filled with fun, personal stories.


Romanticize Your Life & Daily Routines

Life is hard so you have to find the joy in the small moments! Wake up, make your bed and drink your coffee before checking your emails. Put on some music and pretend you’re in a fun movie montage while cleaning the house. Making the mundane, daily tasks intentional will help you create a wabi-sabi approved environment.

Having a cookie-cutter house with items purchased from the same big box store is not unique or a reflection of you and your story. Be authentic. Be you. Be intentional with how you live, and the rest will all fall into place.

 To learn more, check out TheSpruce.com and WellandGood.com!


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