How to Organize Hand-Me-Downs

Growing up as the fifth child in a family of five kids, hand-me-down clothing made up the majority of my wardrobe. I loved the excitement of digging through a bag of clothing! With all the new-to-me fits, I would go through my old clothing to make my own bag of hand-me-downs to pass off to the next person. These hand-me-downs not only came from my siblings but also from various friends, neighbors, and extended family. There was a network of clothing being passed between various households. You never knew when a black bag would show up on your doorstep with new goodies. When we were out with our mom running errands there were frequent stops around town to drop off our own hand-me-down bags to others. This was a great way for us to see the impact that our own hand-me-downs were making out in the world.

As an organizer, I love to see this network alive and well in so many households. It appears in many ways – parents redistributing outgrown clothing, friends passing along household items they've outgrown, and community members sharing supplies with the rest of their community. We will be discussing hand-me-down clothing in this post but these same principals can be translated to any other kind of second-hand item. Without a system in place it can be hard to make sure these items make it to the right destinations in a timely manner.

We have put together a simple guide to make the process smooth, seamless and most importantly, organized! 

Step 1: Give or Recycle

If you’re giving someone hand-me-downs, be sure the items are in good, gently used condition. Ask yourself if you would wear it or want your child to wear it. If the answer is yes, it can be handed down. If it’s a no, for reasons such as having stains, rips or the clothing is past its prime, consider sending it to a textile recycling location. Lots of cities in Massachusetts have textile recycling bins where you can drop off these items.

Step 2: Choose Destinations

Where are these items going? Be specific about who you are saving these hand-me-downs for. If you don't have a time frame or a particular person you are saving the items for, consider donating them now. No need to store extra "stuff" in your home for nothing. If there are a few different destinations based on style of clothing or age group, create a bin for each so that you can sort as you fill them. Once they are filled up, it’s time for a hand-me-down drop off!

Step 3: Sort By Size

Whether you are giving or receiving hand-me-downs, the best way to organize hand-me-downs is by size, especially if you have a range of items for different recipients. Sorting the clothing by size makes the process super simple and will be the best way to store items as you figure out where their new home will be. 

Step 4: Where To Store

Since hand-me-downs are an interim phase and not currently being worn, they should not be taking up prime real estate in your home - like in your drawers, if you have limited drawer space. We suggest storing hand-me-downs wherever you have the most storage space. Make sure that wherever you store them you see frequently enough so you don’t forget about them, too!

Ideas for Storage Areas: 

  1. Basement/Attic/Garage

  2. Kids Bedroom Closets

  3. Guest Room Closet

  4. New Owner (Ideal Option!) 

Step 5: How To Store 

For the perfect way to store hand-me-downs, we suggest clear plastic bins labeled with the exact category and sizing of whatever is in them. We always advise clear bins with a heavy-duty latch because you can easily see what is inside and protect your items from mildew, creepy crawlies, and any unwanted smells. Be sure to label your bins or bags for easy identification! These are our favorite watertight bins for storing clothing. If you need a slimmer solution, these compression storage bags will do the trick.

Step 6: Maintenance

Keep an open bin accessible in your closet to toss outgrown clothing in throughout the year. When that bins gets full, it's time to put a lid on it, label and store until it makes it out to it's new owners! Do this in each of your clothing closets to make this processes seamless.

And there you have it. Hand-me-downs are a great way to save money as well as be environmentally conscious, which we wholeheartedly support! We hope our guide will help you easily store your items and that the next person will enjoy your treasures just as much as you. 

Want to see even more great organizing products? Check out our Amazon Storefront for organizer-approved supplies!


Project Profile: Digging Out and Downsizing


Project Profile: Creating New Systems in Somerville – Part 2!