To File Fold, or Not to File Fold, That is the Question

Professional organizers have all kinds of tips and tricks. File folding, popularized by Marie Kondo herself, is one of our favorite ways to save space and keep clothing tidy. Our clients are often shocked to see how much more we can fit into their drawers. But, is file folding right for you?

Do any of the following characteristics apply to you? If so, you might want to try file folding!

  • Your closet is cluttered and it is difficult to find the clothing you love

  • You have more drawer space than hanging space

  • Most of your clothing is made of thicker materials like cotton or denim

  • You have a lot of the same category, like t-shirts

Where to start…

Before you begin your folding journey, it is best to do a thorough purge of your clothing. To do this, begin by taking out every article of clothing you have (yes, all of it!) and sorting it into categories. Go through each pile, one item of clothing at a time.

This process is helpful because it allows you to see everything that you own all at once. This makes it easier to compare pieces to figure out what you truly love and what may be ready to be donated. Discarding items can be tough, especially if you feel the item is still in good condition. But remember that you can be grateful that the item of clothing served a purpose for you in the past and let it go for someone else to enjoy. Check out our resources page for different options of ways to donate or dispose of unwanted clothing.

Paring down your items is a win-win. You have a less cluttered space, and every single item in your closet fits comfortably and is a reflection of your style. This also allows for smoother and quicker transitions when getting ready in the morning. 

Now that you know what you have, it’s time to file fold!

File folding clothes has helped our clients keep their drawers organized and uncluttered which allows them to always find the clothing item they are looking for without having to pull out stacks of messy shirts and pants. Clothes are “file folded” in the drawer so that each article of clothing can be seen. You can also utilize shelving in your closet by adding bins and file folding into them.

The goal of file folding is to get the item in the shape of a small or large rectangle (depending on drawer size) so it can stand on its own in a drawer. You can then line each item up so you have rows of file folded clothes. 

File folding is a great alternative to hanging clothes when you have more drawer space than hanging space and to free up hanging space for items that can only be hung. 

Adding these expandable drawer dividers creates division between clothes and allows these file folded items to stay neatly in place.

Or Not to File Fold…

If you have plenty of hanging space, clothing that is mostly “slippery” fabrics like silk, spandex, or polyester, or know that you don’t want to deal with the upkeep of a new folding system – file folding might not be your best bet. Are you stumped on how to get yourself organized, folding or otherwise? Book a consultation with our team!


Project Profile: Creating New Systems in Somerville – Part 2!


Project Profile: Creating New Systems in Somerville