Are you ready to get digitally organized?
We’ll walk you through step-by-step how to get your digital life in check and you’ll learn how to tackle your digital clutter in order to have a more productive life.

Finally get to inbox zero?
Discover a new way of processing all of your paper and emails that doesn’t make you want to pull out your hair?
Learn how to store all of your documents in an easy file system on your computer?
Be comfortable setting up digital organizing systems with some guidance?
Stop stressing over the amount of emails you get every day?
Start being more productive?
Confidently access all of your passwords instead of fumbling around searching for them?

Hi, I’m Stasia Steele
(My first name is pronounced like Asia.)
I’m a super fun, driven, energetic Type A - an ENTJ on Myers-Briggs. I can easily see the chaos in people’s lives and through my hyper-organized, puzzle-solving brain, instinctively know how to put the pieces together for them.
I’ll be your instructor for all of our courses!
Happy Organizing,

If I can do it, so can you!
Back in 2015, I was tired of the piles of paper and email inbox that I felt I could never get under control.
I was playing the game of ‘purge just enough paper to make room for the new paperwork in my file cabinets’, it was exhausting and felt like a huge waste of time. Because it was!
I wanted to spend more time focusing my time growing and running my business instead of drowning in never-ending emails. It was a constant battle to eliminate all the junk mail coming into my inbox and I was getting distracted by promotional emails and all the newsletters that I was getting. I needed to find a way to focus on the things that would really move the needle in my personal life and business. So I did!
I run my entire business digitally so that I have the freedom to work anywhere I want and have access to my whole life at the tips of my fingers. How good does that sound??

How many emails do you get per day?
How many emails do you have sitting in each of your inboxes?
Yikes! Don’t answer that!

Here’s what you’ll learn…
This course is broken down into three distinct modules in a simple, easy-to-follow format. Each module includes video lessons, text, and printable PDFs to make it easy for you to consume and apply the content at your own pace from the comfort of your own home.
Module 1: Passwords
You will learn:
❈ How to securely organize all of your passwords into a database that you can easily access on the go
❈ How to create super safe passwords
❈ How to have your computer and phone securely autofill passwords for you
❈ How to save security questions and answers
❈ How to share your passwords with family members and colleagues
❈ How to grant emergency access to your password database
❈ How to save payment information to create a digital wallet in case your physical wallet is ever lost/stolen
Module 2: Documents
You will learn:
❈ How to say goodbye to your file cabinets to go 99% paperless
❈ How to use cloud services to securely store your documents
❈ How to create a simple and effective foldering system
❈ How to securely share individual files and entire folders
❈ How to collaborate with others on shared documents through one platform
❈ How to use a scanner and scanning apps to help you go paperless
Module 3: Email
You will learn:
❈ How to get to inbox zero
❈ How to declutter your inbox in a matter of minutes every day
❈ How to use each of your email accounts for a specific purpose
❈ How to create folders appropriate for the purpose and function of each email account
❈ How to create a priority system to sort and process your emails
❈ How to consolidate all of your email accounts into one place
❈ How to minimize incoming emails
Sign up now and get instant access!