Back-to-School Supplies That Will Keep Students Organized All Year

Somehow the summer flew by and we've made it to the weekend before Labor Day! Time to get out those class lists and head to Target or Staples this week, right? Not so fast! We also challenge you to shop locally this year and check out used bookstores, paper stores, and maybe even your basement to pull from a previous years' stash. Today we're sharing some of our favorite supplies to keep you or your students organized and set up for success at school, home, and in between this year. 

The Classics
If you could only have one back-to-school item other than maybe a pack of pencils, choose a planner. Although we do a lot of planning on our phones and devices now, actually writing something down increases the likelihood it will be retained. Getting younger kids writing their homework assignments down is a great way to start building time management and accountability skills. If you’re someone who likes to see the bigger picture, maybe this desktop calendar is more your style. 

These are my favorite pens of all time. If you think you know a better pen, please message us on Instagram. Looking for a fun option? This bookmark pen is another favorite of mine. I keep it in my journal now, but I wish I had this when I was in school to keep the page in my textbooks. 

For Your Home
I’m sure you had some type of homeschooling set up during the pandemic, and it’s great that most kids are back to school this year, but they’ll still need a small space for school supplies storage at home. This 3-tier rolling cart is perfect for a small homework station and this organizer is great to put on top for pens, paper clips, and other supplies. Check out this past blog post for more school storage tips. 

If you’re packing lunches, you need to invest in some Stasher bags, a sustainable swap from single-use baggies. They are dishwasher, microwave, and freezer safe, and I use them for more than just lunches. They’re so versatile, I use them to pack my cords and accessories when I’m going on a trip.

  • Speaking of cords, nothing is worse than getting on the bus and your headphones being a tangled mess. This cord-wrap will solve the problem! If you’re thinking, “that’s great, but we all have wireless headphones” don’t worry. The larger size is great for USB cables and chargers!

Set your student up for success this year and think outside of the class list they give you. Do teachers even still give those? As always, don’t forget to declutter often- those art projects and old assignments add up quickly around the house. Need help getting organized or digitally organized? We love setting up sustainable systems for the whole family, and we can help digitize that clutter! Let’s chat! 


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