Ditch & Donate Challenge: Part 2

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If you’re reading this, you’ve made it to part two of our Ditch & Donate Challenge. Congrats! Reminder, we’re challenging you to let go of one item per day. Just ONE per day. You can purge more per category each day, but we're starting with letting go of 14 items total. Hopefully, you'll gain momentum and feel inspired to keep going. If nothing else, your house will have 14 fewer items in it. Guess what - that's still a win!

Day 8: Vases
Here’s your friendly reminder that you do not need to keep the vase every time you are gifted flowers! This goes for flower food, too. 

Gather up your vases and donate if you:
1. Have duplicates
2. Any are chipped or broken
3. Your quantity doesn’t match how often you have fresh flowers

Donation options:
1. Get creative. Make some floral arrangements and gift to neighbors and friends.
2. Make & Mend
3. Beautiful Stuff Project
4. You local Facebook “Buy Nothing” Group
5. Local Goodwill/Savers

Day 9: Shoes
You didn’t think you were making it through this challenge without ditching one pair of shoes, did you? We’ll make it easy: go to your closet and pick a pair of heels. Who wears heels anymore? 

Good reasons to ditch a pair of shoes:
1. They hurt your feet!
2. The sole or buckle is broken/worn
3. The cushion is non-existent
4. They are discolored or scuffed beyond repair
5.You have a lot of one category

Donation options:
1. Solutions at Work
2. Cambridge Women’s Center
3. Local consignment
4. Local Goodwill/Savers

Day 10: Throw blankets
This may have been inspired by my own need to purge blankets. Even in the summer, I keep an unnecessary number of blankets around the house. I live to be cozy! Round them up and pick one to let go of (I know, this is a hard one!). I’ll be saying goodbye to a white one I got chocolate ice cream on.

Donate to:
1. Cambridge Women’s Center
3. Homeless Shelter

Day 11: Glasses, including sunglasses and cases
Similar to the iPhone box dilemma, people always seem to hold onto old glasses and their cases. We’re here to tell you as long as you have one pair you currently wear and a backup pair, you don’t need more than that. If you’re lucky enough to have 20/20 vision, collect your sunglasses and choose one pair to donate. 
Check out this resource on where to donate your unwanted glasses.

Day 12: Tupperware
Missing a top? Ditch it. Missing a bottom? Ditch it. Maybe just get rid of one item in your Tupperware drawer that drives you crazy. We challenge you to re-think your Tupperware storage to make it work for you. Is it time to go all glass? Time to stop saving take-out containers because they just add to the chaos. I find that having a cohesive glass set in my kitchen, and a few plastic options on a high shelf in the pantry for when I want to send guests home with food makes the most sense for me. 

Day 13: Toothbrushes
Is every member of the family accumulating toothbrushes at the dentist? One way to avoid the problem: stop accepting them when offered. Most of us are using electric toothbrushes daily and like to accept the manual brushes for travelling or to offer guests. Take inventory of how many you have.
Donate to:
1. Solutions at Work
2. Cambridge Women’s Center
3. Women’s Lunch Place
4. Pine Street Inn

Day 14: Free swag
You made it! The last day of the challenge and probably the easiest day yet. We are all so guilty of this one, because we all love free swag! How often do you really put those items to good use? It’s time to collect coozies, frisbees, reusable bags, and any free swag from an event you can think of and donate it.

We hope this two-week challenge feels manageable and effective in your home! Starting with the easy stuff is a great way to build up your organizing confidence. Owning less will always make organizing easier! If you’re looking for additional donation and disposal resources check out our Resources page. Need some back-up? We got you. Let’s chat!



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