Get Organized and Stay Organized in 2022

Happy New Year! January has come around once again and whether you love or hate resolutions, we think everyone could use some organizational help after the busy holiday season.  How do you stay organized after you’ve drifted away from the “new year, new you?” If you need some inspiration for getting organized this January, check out our blog post here for some more ideas. When you’ve got your systems in place, here are our top tips for keeping up with them.

Remember why you got organized in the first place.
What drove you crazy? Is everyone willing to do the work to prevent your hard work from falling apart? We are big believers that everyone in the family/household needs to be on board and have an understanding of why these systems were set up in the first place. Make sure your systems have labels – a classic mistake is forgetting this last step! Labels ensure things are put back in the right place, not just to help you find something.

Hold yourself and each other accountable.
Set boundaries and reminders to purge. If those two bins of craft supplies or your dresser is bursting at the seams, you know it’s time to go through your things. For kids and teens, it can be fun to encourage donating or selling toys before buying new ones. They can use that money towards their new purchase making it fun and keeping their bedrooms under control. Book lovers? Check out The Book Rack in Arlington. Drop off your old books and receive credit to your account so you can buy more at their store. Genius, right? For adults and their clothing, I like the “one in, one out” rule. 

Know when to re-evaluate your spaces.
A new child, new job, moving, or any life transition are great examples of when you might need help. If your previous systems set up at the beginning of the year aren’t working, investigate why. Is it too difficult to maintain or did the needs of the space change? It is okay to rethink something and change it as your needs change! Read more about when and why to hire a professional organizer here.

Outsource tasks that feel overwhelming
No one questions having cleaners or childcare, right? We have meal kits delivered to our door, virtual trainers, and many services that make life easier. Having an organized home increases your efficiency and makes you happy. Why not outsource it? We have many clients who have us work with them to purge and set up systems in their home and then we come back once every few months to check in, tidy up, and keep them organized!  

Staying organized can be a challenge, especially with busy lives, but the hardest part is getting started! When you take a few minutes each day to put things in their place, it’s a no-brainer! Decluttering your space helps declutter your mind. Use these tips for getting and staying organized this year and know that a little help can go a long way. Let’s chat here!


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