How To Organize Your Hair Accessories

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As many of you know, it’s easy for your hair accessories to look as out of control as a bad hair day…perhaps worse. If you look at Pinterest, you can find a ton of DIY solutions to help organize your bows, headbands, curling irons, etc. Here are some suggestions that we have for you!

As always, first sort and purge your accessories. Purge the broken hair clips, stretched out headbands and hair ties. If there are other accessories that you never wear or find uncomfortable, take this time to donate them.

When it comes to hair clips, bows and hair ties, if you have extra drawer space in your bathroom or bedroom, a great way to organize your hair accessories is with drawer organizers.

Headbands: This headband organizer takes up a minimal amount of space on your countertops and is a fun way to display them.

Style Station Pro: Corral your blow dryer, straightener and curling iron all in one place with this style station. Set in on your countertop or hang it on the inside of your vanity cabinet door to keep it out of sight.

Linus Sectioned Tray: Similarly to drawer organizers, this is perfect if you have minimal hair supplies that need to be stored but need to create some categories.

Over the Door Shoe Organizer: If you have a lot of hair accessories, this could be the perfect solution. Hang one of these on the back of your bathroom or bedroom door, use each row of the shoe organizer to create categories of your hair accessories and products and you can even sort them by type and then color.

Stackable Drawer Organizer: This chic look gives you flexibility in how you contain your hair accessories. You’re also able to customize your look based on the amount of space that you have. Maximizing your vertical storage is also an option with this method.

Get organized so you can easily find your hair accessories when you’re running out of the house and need the perfect headband to complete your look! You’ll be so glad you did.


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