How to Organize Your Memories

You can’t take it with you. But we certainly try, don’t we?

While our brains have plenty of space to store and organize memories – reaching the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes in the average human adult – our homes are another story.

Some of the hardest decisions we face when organizing are tied to our memories. Many of us cling to physical reminders of the past, fearing if the item disappears, so too will the memory. We aren’t trusting our inherent memory backup - our own minds! As we accumulate these items over time, finding ways to organize them becomes increasingly important so they can continue to be cherished and accessed easily without causing unnecessary clutter and overwhelm in our homes.

Begin the process of organizing your memories as you would any other area of your home, by using the S.P.A.C.E. acronym: Sort, Purge, Assign, Contain, Equalize. Gather and sort your sentimental keepsakes and memorabilia into smaller, more manageable categories. If the process feels overwhelming, spread out the review of each category over several days, allowing yourself the time and space needed to carefully review and savor each memory.

Before making any decisions, I encourage you to hold the item in your hands and recall the memory behind it, engaging your senses to bring it to life more fully in your mind. Then, take a moment to write or record the memory in as many words as moves you. Use a journal, a computer, or your phone. Write in full sentences or bullet form—whatever is easiest for you. If the keepsake is small enough, adhere the item directly to the page, or take a photo to preserve it that way. Whether the items stay with you or not, these detailed records become a precious way for you and your family to easily access and enjoy these memories for years to come.


Now let’s review some of the most common categories of memories found within our homes and some suggestions for how to organize them:


Whether your photos are accumulating on your phone, stored in boxes, or loosely scattered across your home, developing a system for organizing, storing, and preserving them is crucial. If you’ve ever lost photographs that were important to you, you know how devastating it can be, so take the proper steps to protect these special memories from loss or damage.

  1. Digitize: Scan photos and use cloud storage services to keep them safe and accessible, all while creating an effortless way to share with family and friends. If you don't have the time, we can help with this! Ask us about our digital organizing services.

  2. Display: Use digital frames to consolidate your pictures and view more photos in a single sitting as the slideshow plays on your shelf.

  3. Transform: Create a memory scrapbook, a photo collage, or a special book.

  4. Store: Use photo albums or acid-free photo boxes with dividers.


You came, you saw, you left with a souvenir. T-shirts, hats, keychains, posters, ticket stubs—each one a memento of a cherished moment or fun adventure. But now, these items are scattered in various locations across your home, gathering dust in the bottom of drawers or in the recesses of closets. It's time to give these sunken treasures the attention they deserve.

  1. Donate or Recycle: Your travels will stay with you even if the item doesn't. Consider donating or recycling items you know you'll never wear. Who knows - a new generation may even find it vintage cool now.

  2. Display: Use shadow boxes or display cases for smaller items to enhance them on a shelf.

  3. Transform: Turn ticket stubs into a collage or a paper flower. Send your T-shirts off to a company that can turn them into beautiful quilts.

  4. Store: If you must store items, choose the right storage bin and location to keep them safe and clearly label the boxes so you know what’s inside.

Occasion Dresses

It was a special day in a special dress, and now that special dress is crammed in a not-so-special space – a cramped closet, a dusty attic, a damp basement – never to be worn again. And in some cases, if not stored properly, it runs the risk of being ruined forever.

  1. Donate: Give the dress a second life at charity shops. Or donate to a local theater and see your dress make its way to the big stage.

  2. Display: Turn the dress into a piece of artwork that can be displayed on your wall.

  3. Transform: Use the fabric to make something new, like a dress for you or a child.

  4. Store: Follow proper storage methods if you cannot bear to part with it. Dry-clean the dress first to remove any stains, then choose a paper-board box and acid-free tissue to keep it safe. Make sure to store it in a dry place or use weather-tight bins for added protection.


Each new year brings a fresh wave of holidays and special occasions, along with the inevitable influx of letters, invitations, and greeting cards. Many of these items serve their purpose the moment they are opened, and let's be honest, they seldom get a second glance. Unless they contain a particularly special message, it might be wise to let them go. Consider keeping a small box handy for immediate storage, then periodically review its contents to decide what to keep and what to discard.

  1. Recycle: Simple paper cards or letters are easy to recycle. However, this is not an option if you see decorative bling like glitter, foil, or ribbons. Keep this in mind when choosing a card to give to someone else.

  2. Digitize: Snail mail is fun to open but not always the best decision for the environment or someone’s home. Consider sending digital cards to your friends and family. Scan cards you’d like to keep to create a digital archive instead.

  3. Transform: Turn those cards into gift tags or use for some other craft project. Get creative!

  4. Store: Use decorative boxes or binders with plastic sleeves to store special greetings.

Recipes and Articles

You ripped out that article to refer back to later, only for later to come and go. You jotted down a recipe from a friend or family member, and now those napkins are at the bottom of a drawer, and you ended up ordering take-out again. The likelihood of being able to locate these items when you want to refer back to them is low unless you have a system in place for organizing them.

  1. Recycle: Let go of any articles or recipes that no longer interest you or are outdated. There is no need to hold onto items that you will never use.

  2. Digitize: Create a digital version for easy access. Scan or take photos of your favorite recipes and articles, then store them in a dedicated folder on your computer or using a cloud service. Consider using apps or digital organizers designed specifically for recipes and articles.

  3. Store: For frequently used recipes, consider creating a small recipe binder or using a magnetic board in your kitchen where you can easily access them.

Children’s Belongings

Watching a tiny human grow and develop is an amazing journey. It’s normal to want to savor every memory, keeping everything from baby teeth to hair, artwork to homework, special toys to handmade gifts. But children, however precious, are the ultimate producers of stuff, and it can overtake your home if you let it. Being selective is key.

  1. Display: Create a rotating display on a dedicated wall to showcase their masterpieces. Elevate a few pieces by framing them to keep them well-preserved and give them a special place in your home.

  2. Digitize: To create a digital archive, consider scanning or photographing their artwork and homework. This way, you can record their growth without storing every physical piece. It also makes it easier to share their creations with family and friends.

  3. Transform: Turn their artwork into lasting keepsakes like photo books, calendars, or even custom gifts. This preserves their creations and adds an individualized touch to everyday items.

  4. Store: Save only the most special pieces in a dedicated album or portfolio, allowing you to revisit their creative journey over the years and maybe even gift it to them when they get older. Use weather-tight bins to protect and store items for future review. Labeling these bins by year can help you stay organized and make it easier to find specific items when you need them.

Achievements and Milestones

School photos and papers, degrees and certificates, work badges, business cards, and trophies. Each honor brought a sense of pride, but now they're making you feel overwhelmed by the clutter. If it is truly an achievement, don’t hide it. Show it off. Be a little braggy—celebrate your accomplishments! However, it is also perfectly fine to leave some things in the past or stored properly in a bin.

  1. Display: Showcase school photos, degrees, certificates, and trophies in a prominent place. Consider creating a dedicated wall or shelf to celebrate these achievements. A shadow box or a display case can add a touch of elegance while preserving your items.

  2. Store: Use binders with clear sleeves or storage boxes to keep these items organized and easily accessible. Label each binder or box for quick reference, ensuring your hard-earned accolades are protected and easy to find when you want to reminisce.


We often cling to items from loved ones who have passed, such as clothing, furniture, and knickknacks. The fear of losing their memory keeps us holding on. These items fill an otherwise empty space, making the emptiness somehow more bearable. However, your loved ones would never want these items to become a burden to you. It is okay to let go of items that do not serve you.

  1. Donate or Sell: Items that don’t match your style may be perfect for someone else. Donate them to someone in need or give them to another family member or friend. If you choose to sell or consign an item, use the money for something special that would bring you joy and honor your loved one in a different way.

  2. Transform: Turn old clothing into quilts or pillows, giving new life to cherished memories while keeping loved ones close.

  3. Store: Store heirlooms in a safe, climate-controlled space to protect them from damage. For delicate items, consider using acid-free tissue paper and boxes. 


Whether intentional or not, we’ve all collected something over the years—from music to movies, books to magazines, stuffies to action figures, antiques to artwork. We have invested time and money, so the value can sometimes feel too great to simply let go, even if we never use or see them again. However, challenge yourself to make tough decisions if these collections are taking over your space.

  1. Display: Arrange collectibles in display cabinets or on shelves to highlight your passion. Consider creating themed sections to make the display more engaging and visually appealing.

  2. Store: Categorize and label items for easy tracking. Use storage boxes, bins, or binders to keep everything organized and easily accessible. This way, you can maintain a tidy space while still preserving the value of your cherished collections.


Technology moves fast, often leaving the dinosaur bones of past devices buried in our homes. Random cords, obsolete devices, and spare parts. All saved just in case. Many of us even save the packaging—Apple box keepers, I am talking to you. The truth is most people aren’t quite sure what to do with these items, so they hold on to them instead. And wait, and wait, and wait. Well, wait no more.

  1. Donate or Recycle: Drop off outdated devices at designated technology recycling centers. They will ensure any sensitive data is removed, and the device is recycled appropriately.

  2. Store: Keep necessary tech in an organized manner. Label those cords and store them with the corresponding device. Use cord organizers or zip ties to prevent tangling. Consider creating a dedicated tech storage area to keep everything neat and accessible.


Ultimately, your memories belong to you, and how you choose to organize them is your decision. I challenge you to be creative and find ways to give these special items a new life in your space or someone else’s. Happy organizing!


Project Profile: Type A in Andover


Service Spotlight: Organizing & Scanning Photos