How to Purge: Tips for Letting Go

Happy New Year! We all know what that means, time for New Year’s resolutions! Sigh… It’s been said time and time again that resolutions rarely stick, however, rather than thinking of organizing as a New Year’s resolution, think of this time as an opportunity to go through your things and pare down. While this task might sound daunting, we’re here to help with some tips on letting things go. You have to start somewhere!

Tip #1: Sort first
Regardless of what area you choose to start with, start sorting what you have in front of you. If you’re getting overwhelmed with lots of categories, start on a more macro level (think shoes first, then dive into boots vs. sneakers vs. high heels, etc.). It’s so much easier to purge your belongings when you can see them all in one place. Once you see how many similar items or duplicates you own, the decision making process should be easier to let go.

Tip #2: 20/20 rule
I learned about this rule through The Minimalists, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Their philosophy is to purge items you’re debating that can be repurchased easily for under $20 or within 20 minutes of your current location. If those two rules apply, then dispose of the item/pass them on instead of trying to hard to find a home for them, especially if you’re unsure of whether you still need them or not.

Tip #3: Digitize it
Whether it’s your children’s artwork, birthday cards or misc. paperwork you’ve been holding onto, digitize it so you can keep it without it taking up space in your home. Children’s artwork can be sent to places like Plum Print and Artkive where their art can be photographed and scanned into a book. 

Tip #4: Find a charitable cause that you care about
Oftentimes it’s much easier to get rid of something when you know it’s going to a good home. If you care about animals, bring your unwanted linens and cleaning supplies to your local ASPCA. Want to give back to others? We love donating to Solutions at WorkHousehold Goods and Cradles to Crayons. Looking for more resources? Check out our resources page here

Tip #5: Quarantine
This is all something we’ve learned a lot about in the last few years and happens to be one of my personal favorite purging methods. Particularly when I’m going through my own clothing, I like to set aside anything I’m unsure of for 1 week (key word is 1 week). Knowing I’ll have the option to go back allows me to be more ruthless in my purging process. If I go back to the pile after 1 week and am still attached to an item I’ll keep it, but if I haven’t missed it, I let it go. Typically I still end up getting rid of the majority of the initial pile, but might take 2-3 things back.

Tip #6: Would you buy it again now?
If you’re unsure of something, pretend you’re in the store you bought the item from and ask yourself “would I buy this again now exactly how I see it?” I’m not referring to something brand new out of the box, this refers to the exact state that the product is in. If you wouldn’t purchase it right then, it’s time to let it go.

Tip #7: Start small
Although one method of organizing is to pull absolutely everything out in front of you, this can be extremely overwhelming and unnecessary in order to organize successfully. If you’re struggling to get started, start with small chunks. Go for one drawer or cabinet rather than an entire room at a time. 

As with anything, the hardest part to organizing is getting started. Find a method of purging that works for you so you become motivated to keep going rather than overwhelmed and discouraged. Still looking for an extra push? That’s why we’re here! It’s always easier to tackle something together. You can schedule a call with us here.


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