Instagram Vs. Reality: The Importance of Function Over Form

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What’s trending on social media? Organizing! Even we get some of the best inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest, but it’s important to keep in mind that the most important part of organizing is finding the solution that works for YOU. Find a system that is tailored to you. Ask yourself what routines you can put in place to make your life easier and more enjoyable? What helps you find your perfect outfit in the morning? What helps you keep up with daily and weekly paperwork? An organized system works because it works for you.

There is frequently a pitfall in organizing from Instagram versus reality. It is organizing by what is most attractive, versus function. Creating order, whether by size or color, will always help visibility and accessibility. That being said, having something unnecessarily rainbow-colored might not always be the best solution. You may fall in love with a woven bin you see in a post, but it may not truly be the right dimensions or material for your space.  

Always start with sorting your categories- this is the first step whether organizing your kitchen pantry or your master bedroom closet. Once you have your items in categories, it becomes much easier to purge and donate. I love our resources section of our website that contains a great list of where to take donations for that could use a second life. 

Once you have sorted and purged, your focus should be on assigning where things should live and what the best container may be for the item. Having your items sorted and purged before purchasing bins allow you to know exactly the size container or space that you need. This helps keep efficiency and functionality top of mind on your projects while creating your new and beautiful space.  

Find yourself distracted by Instagram? Check out this great article from mindbodygreen that offers great tips on spending less time on social media. Finally, remember to not be so hard on yourself! Your space needs to be functional for you and that in my opinion, is completely “like” worthy.


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