Toy Organization for Kids & Pets

So you want your house to be clutter-free, but you have kids and pets? Does that sound like an oxymoron? We’re here to help! Parents, dog-moms, cat-dads, babysitters, and everyone in-between: it’s time for a lesson on toy storage! 

Do you need a playroom?
Many people start with what they think is a great idea, designating one room in the house to be the playroom. While it’s great to give kids a free space to make their own, toys will inevitably end up throughout the house and your playroom might scare you enough to close the door and forget about it. If you have a playroom, assign each corner of the room to be one zone: art & crafts, reading, play, and board games for example. Wherever you choose to store your toys, try implementing a few of the following storage solutions to give you and your kids easy ways to clean up. 

Storage Bins
Arguably the most functional and accessible way to store toys for kids and pets: bins! With so many options, it can be overwhelming what to select. You’ll want to measure your space first before selecting your favorite look aesthetically. We love sustainably made bins for many reasons, but also including that they tend to be more durable than your average plastic bin. Check out what we’ve included below.

Stuffed Animals & Dolls Storage
Look for something a little unstructured and tall since your stuffed animals and dolls are typically various sizes. Check out these belly basketscotton rope bins, and this mixed tone cotton bin.

When dealing with rectangular or square shaped items, we love storing them in these cubby’s. If you’re looking to conceal what’s on the shelves, put them into these awesome foldable gray and white storage bins with leather handles or these fabric storage cubes.  

Blocks, Legos & Action Figures
Another route we love to take with young kiddos is storing toys such as blocks, Legos, and action figures into clear plastic bins with a picture label. Having everything visible is especially helpful when it’s time for cleanup! 

If you have built-in shelving, we love these Water Hyacinth Baskets that come in a few different sizes. Be careful if you have a puppy that might see this bin as a chew toy – something cotton like this might be your best bet in this case.

Over the Door Racks
If you haven’t seen these in action by now, head over to our Instagram page – we use them everywhere! This is my personal favorite for pet storage because it can be installed on a coat closet door to contain everything from toys to leashes, grooming accessories, and treats ready to go by the door. We frequently add an over the door rack to kids’ bedroom closets for all the little toys and treasures kids want to keep, but mom wants to hide. They will store more than you think!

It’s All About Presentation 
Back to the playroom debate, think about your set-up. Like how we swap our clothes seasonally, give your playroom a makeover now and then and substitute in some new items, or just rearrange. If the kids don’t miss what you removed, that’s a good sign those toys can be donated. Giving anyone too many options is over stimulating, especially to children. Mixing up their library, puzzle, and toy options monthly is our favorite way to minimize clutter. Keep alternates in a closet or the basement. As always, a crucial piece to keep you from tripping over toys in your house is to purge frequently. Have your kids be part of the conversation; they love to make decisions and it teaches them an important life skill. 


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