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October 2015: Energy Awareness Month

October is Energy Awareness Month, so let’s keep this short & sweet so we can all turn off our devices and reduce our footprint.

According to the White House, Energy Awareness Month is a national effort to emphasize how important energy is to our national prosperity, security, and environmental well-being. “Recognizing the significance of the energy-water nexus, the Department of Energy has chosen to dedicate this year’s campaign to promoting both energy and water conservation.” (Alliance to Save Energy) The ASE has put out their top 10 energy efficient tips for your home.

Now that Fall is upon us, we’re waking up to chillier and darker mornings. Learn more about keeping your house warm this fall and winter with this guide to home heating systems from They suggest conducting an energy assessment to find out where you can save the most.

According to the U.S. Energy Department, a typical family in our country spends almost $2,000 each year on home energy bills. Energy Awareness Month is a great reminder for each of us to look at our energy usage and see how we can help save on energy costs. Here are some creative DIY projectsthat can help save you money and energy. 

PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) has some great energy saving tips on their website. Here are some basic tips we can all try this month.

  • Don’t waste money on electronics or appliances not in use. Turn off and unplug TVs and DVD players, computers, phone chargers, coffee makers, etc.

  • Wash full loads of laundry using cold water. Today’s modern detergents work great in cold water, and about 90 percent of the energy used by clothes washers goes to water heating.

  • Run cold water for your garbage disposal. Hot water requires energy to warm. Cold water solidifies grease, moving it more easily through the disposal and pipes.

  • Use glass baking dishes in the oven when possible. Glass retains heat better than other materials so it helps food cook faster and you usually can reduce your oven temperature by about 25 degrees.

There are also some neat energy efficiency apps for your smartphone. They can help you track and actually reduce your footprint, saving energy and money. Check out these 10 free apps and these 6 eco friendly apps to learn more.