Spring Organizing Checklist

Has the Spring cleaning bug taken over yet? Our team loves any excuse to get in the organizing spirit, and the start of spring tends to be our busiest time of year! If you’re looking for any inspiration to get started, look no further. We created a handy checklist with some tips to start getting organized for spring.   

·      Tackle a junk drawer in your kitchen or office to give yourself an easy 15-minute win. Start building momentum! 

·      Pack away your bulky sweaters, extra layers, hats, and gloves. Bring out your dresses and sandals!

·      Gather textile recycling around the house and do a drop off: underwear, socks, and linens. Repurpose what you can for cleaning rags. 

·      Do a quick pantry check for expired food items. Give your fridge a wipe down while you’re at it!

·      Speaking of expired, go through your medicine cabinet and make sure you’re stocked up on all allergy, cold, and flu medication. 

·      Clear out your office or TV console and sort your cords and electronics. Find any outdated cords, tablets, or video games? Recycle at Replay’d in Allston, MA. They take it all- and there’s no limit on how many devices at a time.

·      While you’re in your office, round up your paperwork and sort through it. Did you know you only need to keep tax records for 3 years from the date you filed them? To keep your papers sorted for the rest of the year, try using these stackable acrylic inboxes with labels such as “to do, to pay, to file.” 

·      Take inventory in your garage. Toss any old potting soil or gardening tools and think about what you’d like to plant this season. 

·      Drop off hazardous waste at your town’s local Hazardous Waste Day. Check out the link for the upcoming Hazardous Waste Day in Cambridge here.

·      Take out your planner or desk calendar and start thinking about your end of school and summer plans. Busy months are coming and it’s time to get ahead of it! Book any trips, reserve grad party dates, etc. 

We hope these ideas give you some motivation to get organizing! Let us know how many of these you marked off on your Spring Organizing Checklist on Instagram @tldboston.


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