Why Organizing Feels So Good

No matter the season, stage of life, or pandemic status, everyone gets overwhelmed. As with anything, it ebbs and flows depending on what is happening in your day-to-day life and in the world around you. Organizing (and all of the pieces that make up a full organizing project) is one way to find some sense of control and order in the times when you feel like there’s just too much out of your control.

Whenever I feel a sense of panic about an upcoming deadline, a stressful family situation, or the global pandemic that we are all existing through, organizing is my number one tool to help calm my nerves. Finding order in my space is a way to pinpoint sources of stress and immediately address them.

Other reasons why organizing feels so good?

-Find whatever you’re looking for without panicking.

-Limit visual distractions having less clutter around you.

-Save money not overbuying things you already have.

-Save time looking for your things.

-Reduce stress at home and work with less visual clutter.

Ready to get organized? Try out the steps below to take control of your space and feel the joy of organization!

  1. Choose a space to organize.
    Organizing doesn’t have to be a huge project every time. If you’re struggling with your work because your desk is messy, start there. If your refrigerator is cluttered and starting to smell, that might be your spot for the day! Have you noticed that you keep tripping over the same pair of socks in your living room? It’s time to deal with it. Find a piece of your living space that has been nagging at you and tackle it.

  2. S.P.A.C.E.
    Here at TLD, we live by the S.P.A.C.E. acronym, coined by organizing legend, Julie Morgenstern. This is the most efficient and effective way to tackle your project: Sort, Purge, Assign, Contain, and Equalize. 

    1. First, sort out your clutter into categories that are clearly designated (it never hurts to label).

    2. Then, go through each category and eliminate items that you no longer have a need for. As you purge, you should designate what can be thrown away or recycled and what can be donated or given away.

    3. Assigning requires looking at your now clean and empty space and choosing what should go where.

    4. Contain if you need additional division or organization within your larger space by placing smaller categories into bins or boxes. We have a great selection of baskets at our studio to contain all the things in your home!

    5. Equalize means continually checking in on your space to make sure that it is functioning as you need it to. Live with it, use it, and revisit as needed.

  3. Enjoy your newly neatened space.
    Now that you have taken control of your space, you can appreciate the results. You can now work more efficiently, cook with less stress, or easily walk through your home without tripping over things.

If you want to take on a bigger project, or are ready to take on your whole home, schedule a consultation with our team here! There is nothing we love more than bringing the joy and relief of an organized space to you. 


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Spring Organizing Checklist